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English language mission



A few words about the mission

The English language Mission serves a broad and multi-national community of people whose mother tongue is English or who can communicate in English.

Masses are celebrated on Saturday at 5.30 pm in the chapel at avenue de Béthusy 54 and on Sunday morning at 10.30 am in the church that is kindly made available to us by Champittet College, ch de Champittet, 1009 Pully.

You can find the times of the celebrations and the various activities offered by the English language Mission on !


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Schedule of
upcoming masses

mardi 18 février

à 08:30


mardi 18 février

à 08:30


mercredi 19 février

à 08:30


mercredi 19 février

à 08:30


vendredi 21 février

à 08:30


vendredi 21 février

à 08:30



Nous contacter


Serving the Mission

Father Wolfgang Birrer
Created with Sketch.
021 318 82 00

The Community includes permanent residents in the region as well as people who visit or work here for a limited time. We have a large portion of young families and children are particularly numerous and welcome at the Sunday Mass. The Mission has regular Catechism classes and prepares children for the sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Special activities are organised to welcome new English-speaking residents, and to offer suggestions on religious and practical issues.


Visit our website

The website dedicated to the English language Mission provides live information on celebrations and activities (sacraments and catechism).


Feuilles dominicales

Weekly Mass Times
  • Sundays : 10.30am in the chapel of Champittet College, 1009 Pully
  • Saturdays : 5.30pm in the chapel at Ave de Béthusy 54, 1012 Lausanne.
Catechism and Sacraments
Catechism Programme

The Director of our Catechism Programme is Pam Molaschi.

There are 16 classes each year (from September to June for children aged 5-14 or even more). Registration forms are available from Pam in May/June for classes starting the following September. Registration ends on 31 October each year. However, early registration is advised as class places are quickly filled.

There are classes which prepare children for the sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Classes start at 9.30am and end at 10.20am, followed by Holy Mass at 10.30am. Children and their families are, of course, expected to attend the Mass afterwards.



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